Do you participate in any organized nudist
or naturist clubs or nude men's groups events in your area/city?
Hello Jguys / US guys and of course Worldguys,
This site is evidently shutting down or greatly changing in a short time. I thought it necessary to try to connect off-line with some of the members who may be interested in a gay men's social club, especially one where social events involving nudity can occur.
So I am trying to start a regular international social club for nudist and naturist men (gay, straight, bi and curious) living or traveling in the Tokyo area. First of all, one may already (in Japanese - exclusively for Japanese men) but that won't help those who enjoy relating with other internationally minded guys, or who can't speak Japanese (such as newcomers and visitors).
Still, if you know how to contact any such group in Tokyo (or nearby), please let me know.
If you are interested in participating by attending, volunteering, and sponsoring or hosting an event for the new men's nudist social club, then please contact me here or on one of the following: My Twitter account is the same name and I'm also on, Adam4Adam, Dudesnude, JguysUSguys, and HangoutNude (other ids are: sunbuns99 or seefallus or hardtwoholed (Yahoo!)
My contact is: sunbunz on Google mail for direct email messages.
We would make daytrips to hot springs resorts and take evening visits to Tokyo city spas, hold pot luck dinners, and game or movie nights, and from time to time hold outdoors picnics and excursions to the few limited nude beaches or other naturist areas nearby.
Visitors from out of town could also be welcome to attend as guests through an invitation of current members. Fees for spa or bath entrances, transport, and food, drinks, etc are to born by each individual. There are no fees to participate or to join the club. Sexual behavior is NOT the norm. It is NOT a sex club, but sex might be allowed as a 'special activity' for certain designated events or situations. It would up to the members to decide if or when sexual behavior would be allowed (or not) - the location and make-up of the participants would certainly determine what's likely to be decided.
Thanks in advance for answering and for possibly joining our soon-to-be-formed social club (its name is not decided).
Dare to stay bare for those who care...
Anyone else interested or who has knowledge of good places to be naked outdoors?
I've yet to put up any such announcement on GNJ. You're welcome to advertise it -- as appropriate and give me as a contact.
Somehow it seemed more urgent to do it here since (as you noted), we never know who and how many of this site's members will be returning to the new one.
Anyone else who is interested in knowing about or in possibly joining our group can also reach me directly at:
sunbunz (at)
I was tentatively hoping to hold an initial meeting in October (Sunday, the 2nd of Oct.), but nothing is definite. I have a friend visiting from Kyushu who would love to get naked, too. So any meeting may turn out to be much later (or not at all). Still.. we can only try and see.
I think I've become more 'open' to doing something like this because of the repeal of DADT (the former rule / policy) in the US military.
I was never in the military but I certainly understood how the 'policy' made them feel. Much of life in Japan is still under an even more inhumane DADT policy - at least in my own existence.
I believe now that more US servicemen stationed in Japan may be willing to participate, and particularly those who want to get off base and mix with the Japanese male community.
Besides, we all know the appeal of men in uniform who take it all off. Whoa! (smile).
I also posted the notice on GNJ and Fridae (or will do so) - two other sites, but my Japanese is not good enough to find and then post the whole announcement on Japanese language sites where more locals are likely to see it. It might not go over well in the Japanese gay community for the simple fact that nudism is common - at least, as a 'hobby' or recreational activity. Obviously, onsen (hot springs) involve some different levels of nudity, and public baths used to be very very common (although that has changed greatly).
I'm not only thinking about nudity. While I enjoy the outdoors very much (whether I am naked or not), but I also enjoy the arts and politics, good food and wine.
Maybe the idea of a International Gay Men's Social Club ... or a All-Male Chorus might work out better.
Instead of simply being a very specific interest - nudism, maybe the purpose of the club should be larger: men's issues or a gay men's social club. In some US and other cities worldwide, there are gay men's groups that have some special function besides just 'meeting to meet', notably are the Men's Chorus groups in several major American and Canadian cities. There are also gay men's art, theatre, and sporting groups as well.
Obviously, a social justice or environmental cause can attract gay men (as well as other subgroups in society), such as the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR groups) that spring up every year in June and October (North and South hemispheres).
So if the purpose of the group were broadened, then there could be certain chapters for the location or type of activity, (such as naked outings or nude dinners), and even special interest groups (nudism, CMNM, wine tasting), or the various group could combine their activities for parties, fairs, visits to the theater, movies or art exhibits - where like-minded men (Japanese and all others) can mingle and get to know each other.
Does this sound like pie in the sky? Do you think it could work and maybe there is no real need for such a men's club oriented for M4M. I realize most people have their own friends, lovers, sex buddies and LTR but I also know many do not, or cannot easily make other gay male friends. Some guys are sure they are even gay and need a place and some people to talk about it.
I have noticed already that there seems to be a sudden swell in the number of US military men who are getting online (in Japan) and probably coming out more to the gay bars. Clearly, there should be alternatives to staying out drinking late at night for men (and not just gay men). This type of organization may be more possible today now than it was prior to Sept 21 - when 'don't ask, don't tell' ended for all US military personnel.
Anyway.. thanks for getting in touch.
Let me know what you think when you have a chance,
I've yet to put up any such announcement on GNJ. You're welcome to advertise it -- as appropriate and give me as a contact.
Somehow it seemed more urgent to do it here since (as you noted), we never know who and how many of this site's members will be returning to the new one.
Anyone else who is interested in knowing about or in possibly joining our group can also reach me directly at:
sunbunz (at)
I was tentatively hoping to hold an initial meeting in October (Sunday, the 2nd of Oct.), but nothing is definite. I have a friend visiting from Kyushu who would love to get naked, too. So any meeting may turn out to be much later (or not at all). Still.. we can only try and see.
I think I've become more 'open' to doing something like this because of the repeal of DADT (the former rule / policy) in the US military.
I was never in the military but I certainly understood how the 'policy' made them feel. Much of life in Japan is still under an even more inhumane DADT policy - at least in my own existence.
I believe now that more US servicemen stationed in Japan may be willing to participate, and particularly those who want to get off base and mix with the Japanese male community.
Besides, we all know the appeal of men in uniform who take it all off. Whoa! (smile).
I also posted the notice on GNJ and Fridae (or will do so) - two other sites, but my Japanese is not good enough to find and then post the whole announcement on Japanese language sites where more locals are likely to see it. It might not go over well in the Japanese gay community for the simple fact that nudism is common - at least, as a 'hobby' or recreational activity. Obviously, onsen (hot springs) involve some different levels of nudity, and public baths used to be very very common (although that has changed greatly).
I'm not only thinking about nudity. While I enjoy the outdoors very much (whether I am naked or not), but I also enjoy the arts and politics, good food and wine.
Maybe the idea of a International Gay Men's Social Club ... or a All-Male Chorus might work out better.
Instead of simply being a very specific interest - nudism, maybe the purpose of the club should be larger: men's issues or a gay men's social club. In some US and other cities worldwide, there are gay men's groups that have some special function besides just 'meeting to meet', notably are the Men's Chorus groups in several major American and Canadian cities. There are also gay men's art, theatre, and sporting groups as well.
Obviously, a social justice or environmental cause can attract gay men (as well as other subgroups in society), such as the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR groups) that spring up every year in June and October (North and South hemispheres).
So if the purpose of the group were broadened, then there could be certain chapters for the location or type of activity, (such as naked outings or nude dinners), and even special interest groups (nudism, CMNM, wine tasting), or the various group could combine their activities for parties, fairs, visits to the theater, movies or art exhibits - where like-minded men (Japanese and all others) can mingle and get to know each other.
Does this sound like pie in the sky? Do you think it could work and maybe there is no real need for such a men's club oriented for M4M. I realize most people have their own friends, lovers, sex buddies and LTR but I also know many do not, or cannot easily make other gay male friends. Some guys are sure they are even gay and need a place and some people to talk about it.
I have noticed already that there seems to be a sudden swell in the number of US military men who are getting online (in Japan) and probably coming out more to the gay bars. Clearly, there should be alternatives to staying out drinking late at night for men (and not just gay men). This type of organization may be more possible today now than it was prior to Sept 21 - when 'don't ask, don't tell' ended for all US military personnel.
Anyway.. thanks for getting in touch.
Let me know what you think when you have a chance,
Being tangential (or at least distantly related) to the topic isn't a problem that you need apologize for, KF.
I am not a stickler for decorum. It's the substance of the message that is most important, and I also appreciate your responses for exactly that reason: You take time to write something worth reading.
I certainly agree that the casual or incidental nudity that is prevalent in Japan (more so in the past and in some regions) does satisfy the basic 'human urge' or instinct to be naked with one's fellow man (or woman - as the case may be).
The ritual of bathing (for cleansing the body and soothing the spirit), and formerly doing so in a shared social experience ('public bath and onsen') have deeply affected the evolution of the Japanese psyche. It's worth studying in much more detail and breadth than I can do it justice here.
However, I think there are much more profound and deeply cultural reasons why Japanese (and other Asian) countries don't practice nudism to the same extent that it seems to be awed and revered in the West. Religion (or deeply ingrained moral tenets or ethical practices - since Japan's 'religions' are actually difficult to categorize as such) plays a huge role.
For the West, one absolutely has to remember how much nudity and, by association - sexuality are also reviled by the puritanical elements, the strongly socially conservative and morally 'righteous' Christian right (which still holds a strong influence on the American psyche (and politics - e.g. the Tea Baggers (Bachmann's Tea Party)
- who view the human body (particularly a nude one) as the devil's temptation to sin and depravity. While few people would admit to agreeing with that outright, that basic underlying sentiment pervades a lot of North American societal consciousness and certainly affected for a very long time the prohibition on sex, nudity, and particularly homosexuality in American society. It is similar but to less pervasive extent in European civilization too, owing to the massive influence of the Catholic Church.
So... I'm way off topic... (or not)...
Just answer question (on topic):
Would you ever participate in a gay men's social club activities off-line?
(Explain why or why not?)
trying to gauge whether it is worth the effort to attempt to organize
one. (Or as I might suspect, are people (gay men) already 'organized /
disorganized' in their own private social networks, and incapable
reaching out to take a more public stance or put on a public face.
(Perhaps I've already answered my own question... but I'd still love to hear what you (and others) have to say about this idea.)
Kelly (sunbuns)

I am not a stickler for decorum. It's the substance of the message that is most important, and I also appreciate your responses for exactly that reason: You take time to write something worth reading.
I certainly agree that the casual or incidental nudity that is prevalent in Japan (more so in the past and in some regions) does satisfy the basic 'human urge' or instinct to be naked with one's fellow man (or woman - as the case may be).
The ritual of bathing (for cleansing the body and soothing the spirit), and formerly doing so in a shared social experience ('public bath and onsen') have deeply affected the evolution of the Japanese psyche. It's worth studying in much more detail and breadth than I can do it justice here.
However, I think there are much more profound and deeply cultural reasons why Japanese (and other Asian) countries don't practice nudism to the same extent that it seems to be awed and revered in the West. Religion (or deeply ingrained moral tenets or ethical practices - since Japan's 'religions' are actually difficult to categorize as such) plays a huge role.
For the West, one absolutely has to remember how much nudity and, by association - sexuality are also reviled by the puritanical elements, the strongly socially conservative and morally 'righteous' Christian right (which still holds a strong influence on the American psyche (and politics - e.g. the Tea Baggers (Bachmann's Tea Party)
- who view the human body (particularly a nude one) as the devil's temptation to sin and depravity. While few people would admit to agreeing with that outright, that basic underlying sentiment pervades a lot of North American societal consciousness and certainly affected for a very long time the prohibition on sex, nudity, and particularly homosexuality in American society. It is similar but to less pervasive extent in European civilization too, owing to the massive influence of the Catholic Church.
So... I'm way off topic... (or not)...
Just answer question (on topic):
Would you ever participate in a gay men's social club activities off-line?
(Explain why or why not?)

(Perhaps I've already answered my own question... but I'd still love to hear what you (and others) have to say about this idea.)
Kelly (sunbuns)

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